Cyber Safety
Objective - List the dangers on internet and learn how to stay safe on the internet.
Students designed posters on internet safety rules.Application MS Publisher
ICT for research
Lesson objective - Research for information and present it in a suitable form
Students used different browsers to research information on Australia and present the information in the form of brochures.
Cross curricular link - Social Studies
Group Newsletter
Lesson objective - Apply formatting tools to produce a newsletter.
Working in groups students designed newsletter on a wide variety of subjects. They shared ideas and researched on the internet to find genuine information.
Collaborative work
Sharing ideas
Lesson objective - Use ICT to present ideas to meet the needs of the intended audience
Each section of Grade 5 worked collaboratively online to express their thought on what was the most important event of year 2014. Each student had to share their personal thoughts and experience with the whole class.
Click on the links given below to view the walls.
Application - Padlet
Each section of Grade 5 worked collaboratively online to express their thought on what was the most important event of year 2014. Each student had to share their personal thoughts and experience with the whole class.
Click on the links given below to view the walls.
Application - Padlet
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